
2 May 2013

Painting it Blue April round-up - butter London, Alanna Renee, Pretty Serious

I have posted all my Paint it Blue for Autism Awareness April manicures on Instagram (@annvsv). But I want to blog post a round-up since the polishes I used are so pretty! I'm still wearing the last mani as I'm so in love with the design.

butter London - Lady Muck 
Lady Muck referes to woman who thinks she is very important and should be treated better than everyone else. I'm certainly one, sometimes =) It is a polish I consider work-appropriate. It is powdery, greyish periwinkle-blue with a pearly shimmer. I am wearing two coats here but if you are weary of visible nail lines, three will be perfect.
I cannot resist some stamping on Day 3. 

Alanna Renee (AR,
The Magical World Collection inspired by the Harry Potter series
Alanna creates very awesome polishes. Her polishes are available in Australia via her website, or internationally through Shoppe Electicco or Color 4 Nails. 

Draught of Peace, in Alanna's own description, "is inspired by one of the potions Harry Potter had to brew in Potions class. Professor Snape, the Potions Master, gave Harry a zero for forgetting to add syrup of hellebore because he misread the instructions. When brewed correctly, Draught of Peace relieves anxiety and agitation". Looking at my mani certainly reduced my stress. It is a lovely shimmery turquoise creme with silver glitter. I applied three coats and the glitter smoothened with one coat of top coat (Dazzle Dry). I kept my liquorice accent from Aussie Nails Monday, which matched well. 

Chocolate Frog is another blue polish from AR's Magical World collection. It is "inspired by the colours on the packaging of Chocolate Frogs." which is genius, we all care more about packaging than the chocolate itself when we were kids, don't we? Chocolate Frog has a mix of gold and brown glitter in a blue jelly base. Because it's a jelly polish, three coats worked best for me. Smoothen with one layer of topcoat. 

Pretty Serious Cosmetics (
Galaxy Invader from They Came From Beyond Space! collection

I posted about the collection before (click here). But it is nice to revisit some favourite polishes with different lighting and designs. Galaxy Invader is a foil polish that shifts blue/teal/purple - so much compliments from colleagues and anyone who noticed my nails! I added star jewels and a surrealistic bird decal on accent. 

Finally, I want to mention the auction to raise funding for ASPECT Australia is a huge success! It has raised AUD$3575.00 - which is enough to put 16 children through ASPECT's program for a whole month or even put a single child through one of their special needs schools for a whole year! Congratulations to all the bidder, indie polish donors and Tara Capewell of Loki's Lacquer for their effort. 1st May is also back to school day for many secondary and primary school children (including mine and Tara's), I can't imagine how hectic it was in her household with the auction and back to school preparations on at the same time ;)

Now, I am ready for non-blue polishes and up-coming Mother's day celebration, bring it on! xx Ann 

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