
23 Apr 2013

Paint it Blue! for Autism Awareness Month Week 1

I said I'd update my blog and I start with my Paint it Blue manis for week 1 of the Autism Awareness Month. You may have seen them on my Instagram (@annvsv), but these Oz indie polishes are so stunning you'd love to see them in bigger screen/non smartphone.

First up- Pretty Serious BSOD. This is my first Pretty Serious purchase and I'm surprised I haven't wear it already. See the awesome depth and sparkle, I'd say it's living water on my fingers! 
Then after a day, I layered Femme Fatale Suspended Starlight on top of BSOD. Picture didn't do justice!  

Both Pretty Serious and Femme Fatale have a one-off limited edition polish for the Custom Blue for Autism Auction. It's on in full swing and I've placed my bids. To check it out, follow this link: 
All auctions will finish at 9pm 30th April AEST.

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