
21 Jun 2013

How to use cuticle remover? Reposted from Lacquerheads of Oz

Knowing how to use cuticle remover was a milestone in my nail obsession journey. When I first showed my DIY manicure to my fashionable sister, she was not impressed "yeah, you need to do something with this 'unclean' edge...". I was baffled, what does she meant? What she referred to was my cuticle - the non-living skin at the growing end of the nail. While she can have a 3 hour gel manicure/pedicure/nailart session and have her cuticle well cared for at the nail salon, I do not have such luxury. I decided to take this to my own hand. I tried nail nipper/ scissors but never mastered it. Then, I found out about chemical cuticle remover and my manicure routine has changed since....

So I am rather excited to have my first post on Lacquerheads of Oz, a pictorial tutorial on how to use chemical remover:  

I wish I can do a video on cuticle pushing, but that will require recording using my teeth to hold my iPhone (my hubby doesn't support my hobby, remember?). 

I am very thankful to the editorial and graphical support of Michelle of LabMuffin and Rose of  Every Little PolishEnglish is my third language, so writing for general reading has never been my strength. ;P 

Hope you will read my post on Lacquerheads of Oz and share with me your cuticle care routine? 
xx Ann

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