
17 Mar 2013

Disney Princess Challenge - Jasmine

To be honest, I have never been very taken by the Disney's Princesses when I was a child – remembering only Snow White and Cinderella (showing my age now, lol!). They lack cultural diversity, always about bored good-looking princesses refusing to conform but eventually married to charming princes, followed by an illusive ‘happy-ever after’ life. In fact, my childhood academic motivation might even be driven by the Princesses – there is no way a glasses wearing average looking middle-class girl ever have a chance in a life relying on guys, so I better bet on studying hard may shed me light to survival.

Anyway, Bec of LacquerDreams organised the Disney Princesses Nail Art Challenge for a few ladies who're fans of Disney Princesses. I didn’t thought I'll join until my 6-month baby girl tried to grab the image of the Princesses off my laptop screen. Then I thought,  I probably have taken the Princesses too seriously, and it's no harm having some fun!

I don’t know much about Princess Jasmine, so I googled. She’s an energetic independent Arabian Princess who wears turquoise and eventually married Aladdin. Jasmine is really quite authentic and pretty.

Mani details:
Base - L'Oreal Color Riche #618 
Gold glitter top coat: Essence The Huntsman from the Snow White collection
Accent: "Good News Everybody" from Loki's Laquer's Space Pilot 3000 collection - the aqua pigment in the pale aqua/teal base is shining, how lovely. 
Emerald and silver rhinestones.

Check out other Princesses inspired mani through Instagram #aussienailsdisney or the following blogs xx Ann (@annvsv)

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